How good is Dr. Woof's new full wardrobe deal?
We did the maths so you don't have to!
We believe in slow fashion.
In our design process, every decision is made with longevity in mind — from fabric choice, to stitching and construction, to quality assurance. We aim to create scrubs that can be worn weekly for at least two years (that's 104 times.)

Do they really last that long?
- Individual results will vary. We aim to make scrubs that can reasonably last 104 washes. But how long they last for you will depend on a number of things — from the fit and how gentle your washing machine is, to where you work, what you do and even the PH of your sweat!
Overall, based on our own experience and conversations with customers, 104 washes seems to be a fair estimate of how long a pair of Dr. Woof scrubs will last.
- Our founder Dave has been wearing his favourite navy scrubs multiple times a week since they launched in early 2021. And they're still going strong.
- Our founder An has been "Wearing the 💩 out of" her favourite skinny leg scrubs since their launch. With 50 washes and counting, there is still no sign of wear and tear.
- Many of our community report similar results to Dave and An. Scrubs from our first release still pop up often in social media pics ... looking fresh AF might we add!
With just four pairs of Dr. Woof Scrubs

4 shifts a week
= Four pairs of scrubs needed to avoid a mid-week wash.
Four pairs of Dr. Woof scrubs at 1 wear per week
= 104 weeks with no mid-week wash needed
30 mins per wash
= 52 hours of time saved.

Four shifts per week with 4 sets of scrubs
= 1 wear per pair per week.
104 wears per set
= 104 weeks of having your work wardrobe sorted
= 2 years (or longer is you add in holidays.)

4 shifts a week x 104 weeks
= Getting dressed for work 416 times
4-6 minutes every morning umming and ahhing about what to wear
= 1664 to 2496 minutes
= 27 to 41 hours
(We thought 32 hours was was a happy but conservative medium)

4 shifts a week wearing 2 items per shift (scrub top and pants)
= 8 items worn per week.
Over 104 weeks of wear
= 832 items worn.
Wrinkle resistant scrubs
= 832 less items to iron.

Okay, fine! We made this one up. We have no idea how many compliments our scrubs will get you.
But based on our reviews, there's a pretty solid chance you'll get at least some compliments.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐I love these scrubs! There soft and stretchy! You can bend and move any way you need too! They also look amazing I’ve gotten so many compliments on mine already! -Kaitlyn T.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐LOVE LOVE LOVE these scrubs. Super comfy and so many compliments when im at work. Definitely going to be buying again :D - Troy P.

4 Shifts a week for 104 weeks
= 416 shifts
8-12 hours per shift
= 3328 - 4992 hours wearing scrubs
We thought 3840 hours was a happy but conservative medium.