*Deals & Discount T&Cs
Discounts & Promo Codes
- Discounts and bundle codes automatically apply at checkout.
- We may modify or discontinue discounts at any time.
- Sale discounts apply automatically at checkout.
- Discounts apply to full-priced items only.
- Sale discounts cannot be combined with other codes.
- No additional discounts on bundles during sales.
- You will always get a higher discount between a sale discount or a bundle discount
Claim Scrubs on Taxes
- Depending on your tax situation, you may be able to include scrub expenses in your tax return to claim them as deductions. Please consult your tax advisor for more information.Â
- Be sure to follow the specific forms and procedures required by your region's tax laws. Please read this blog for more information.
Free $40 Gift Card with $350 Purchase
- Spend over $350 and your free gift card email will be automatically sent to you account.
Free Compression Socks for Photo Reviews
- Leave a photo review and get a free compression socks (shipping not included).
- Limit: one pair of compression socks per customer.